Will you do my tattoo?

I get this question a lot. And, yes, I do pass on a lot of requests. There could be many reasons why. Here are some: If its not my artwork. meaning, I didn’t start the tattoo. If its a cover up that I know wont work. If it has lettering. It could be a design that is over done or, too small. I changed my sessions to one to two tattoos a day and that means I stopped doing small tattoos. Nothing wrong with small tattoos or lettering or coverups, I just know what I enjoy doing and I try to do that on a daily basis. I am a person that feels the vibe and I try to keep things relatively simple and easy flowing. I want to enjoy my artwork and I aim for my client to leave my studio with happiness from their experience. Some projects don’t match my flow. And that’s ok! Everyone is different. I ask everyone to have an open mind and that I am only one person trying to live my life enjoying what I love doing. I want to enjoy every piece. I want to further my skill growth and do art that shows everything I have learned throughout my journey. My Instagram and my portfolio page shows this. With all that said. I know this is going on your body, and, it’s very important to you. It is very important to me as well. I will put my heart and soul in each piece I do. That is why I decided to choose my schedule and only schedule what I enjoy and also what will have that WOW factor. I am so humbled to be able to do this. I thank you all so much.

What won’t you tattoo???

Hmmm… Most cover ups. As of now no color or lettering. I don’t really enjoy a few placements. Like, ribs or stomach, however, I have and will do them with careful consideration. That is also for facial tattoos and finger tattoos. I will not do a portrait of important people like family. (too stressful) I don’t typically do portraits, I would like to do faces of people like famous or horror or something crazy. I wont do tribal although I have done some cool black work that I love doing. My Instagram and my portfolio page will show what exactly I drive to do!

How do I schedule a tattoo?

I know I am a hard person to get in contact with. So, your best bet is to fill out the form on this site to get the process started. If you are trying to set up an appointment for someone else that’s fine. But, I will need to talk to that person as well. There will be no giving your appointment away to someone else because you can’t fill it. I am very easy going when it comes to rescheduling or canceling. As long as there is plenty of notice. Deposits are 1000% nonrefundable, with that said I have had situations where there was a refund, i.e. I had to cancel and there was no reschedule. If I ever double book an appointment I seriously apologize. Also, you can definitely reach me on insta at @ willkamas also fb as well.

Thank you

What are your rates? what do you charge?…etc

I charge according to a few things. Size. Placement. Details. How well the client sits (LOL KIDDING!) I will say this; A normal session ranges $600-$1800

Does the deposit go towards the tattoo?

Absolutely. However, It is non refundable. And even if you change your mind the next day. this has been an issue so I feel I should try to address it. Time is valuable to both of us. I will respect your time as well. Speaking of time, It starts when when the sessions is scheduled. I like to have a few minutes to get my center. so arriving a few min behind is perfect. One thing to note. I hold the right to cancel the session and charge full price for the session under unusual circumstances. Showing up extremely late. Unable to handle the tattoo process. Totally flipped the design right before the session and then it becomes something totally different for my head space as an artist. All this has happened, and, this has become a topic of discussion enough to let everyone know.

Will you fix my current tattoo, rework?

Basically I only want to create from scratch. That way the piece is mine. I understand you would love to have a completed piece. That is why I like to finish every project in one session. So the client leaves with a completed piece and we are both happy. Some designs require multiple sessions. This also will apply to most cover ups. Laser is a great way to lighten the area for more options of a successful tattoo.

I don’t know if I can sit for hours. How can I do that?

For my new clients. There is a effective way to prepare for a long session.

  • Get plenty of rest.

  • Drink lots of water during the week of the session.

  • No alcohol the day before.

  • Eat a full meal before coming in.

These steps will help your body to sit and maintain the session. Bring snacks to keep you energized. Bring a book or a tablet (with headphones) . If the area has any sunburn or fresh cuts I will not be able to tattoo you. Any questions on this please feel free to ask.

Do I get to see a drawing preview?

For many reasons I do not do this. Either I am drawing on you the day you come in for your session. Or, I am using a photo reference. I like to create the design usually with you there and then it is us who are creating together. Some projects I will have a design ready to go and I will show you when you come in. It has become the easiest way for us to get along. See you at the session.

How do I pay you?

I accept cash. Credit/debit. and Venmo.


I use a Derm shield. It’s a protective barrier that stays on for 3 days. After 3 days you lightly/softly peel the barrier off under warm soapy water. From then on you wash with Dial soap (gold) and if needed use Lubriderm to moisten. No more than 3 times a day. I don’t recommend Aquaphore or anything else that has petroleum. Stay out of the sun!! at least for 2 weeks and the healing has had time to correctly heal. Do not use sun screen during the healing process! and do not cover your tattoo with cling wrap. Cling wrap is for food! If there’s any sign of infection please contact your doctor.

Can I bring a friend with me to sit and hang out?

If they cool, yeah.

Where are you located?

Refer to my instagram where I am. Thank you

Things to note: I apologize if I come off rude or too much too aggressively forward. If I’m “too big for my head” with all this pickiness. I have been back and forth with myself about doing something like this, explaining myself so you get me side of this. One of my goals is to educate as much or as indirectly as i can and therefore, some may learn that with the right research, the right artist is out there. I appreciate all of you. I want our session to be special. I want you to be proud of the artwork as I am. I work constantly on myself and how I react to situations so, I want you to know that you’re very important to me and your deign is special. At the end of the day I want us both happy and no regrets. I’ve tried to explain myself a few times and it has been taken personal. Let me say that this is not personal it’s just how I want to run my business. If I don’t choose to do your idea I hope in the future you would try again and we can create something special for you. Safe travels and happy creating.

Thank you. -Will