The Wanderlust Tattoo
Will Kamas, artist
What's the meaning behind The Wanderlust Tattoo name?
I chose a name that represents the way I want to live my life currently and going forward. In my life, Wanderlust stands for three things: the need to explore, spirituality, and sobriety. Traveling is inspiring and self-fulfilling. When I travel, I mainly hike and explore new places. Hiking is beneficial for many reasons. Not only is it a spiritual experience, it also helps me continue to grow mentally, which brings out inspiration and creativity that is then reflected in my work. I pursue places that make me feel good. A large majority of how I live is based on feeling. If I feel good about it, I will do it more. If I don't feel good about it, I won't ever do it again. This state of mind has largely helped me with sobriety. I try to share my life, my travels and my sobriety with everyone I come into contact with. I strive to inspire others and show them that this type of life is possible. How I live now is something that at one point was even difficult for me to imagine as a reality. I come from a dark place of addiction. In this place, nothing seems possible and there is little to no hope. Addiction and hopelessness go together. Frequently people have said to me "I wish I could do that" or "someday I will be able to do that"... implying they want to live how I live. I am the prime example of what one can do with a strong determination and drive. Anything is possible if you want it. People that know me from my past, know my struggles, and all that I have gone through, they are able to see the huge transformation that has taken place in my life. I am trying to be an example for others and to lead them to accomplish their goals and their best life.
That is everything Wanderlust means to me.
Alright Mr. Wanderlust... what is your backstory?
How long have you been tattooing?
In 2006, I started working at my first shop in St. Paul, MN. This was the shop that shaped the beginning of my career. The artist there have a special place in my heart and to this day I remember many things from the beginning. From that shop, to the next, I gained knowledge and learned many lessons. I don't regret anything. I'm grateful for every opportunity I've had. Every failure. Every success. It has helped shape who I am. I now love being a sole business owner. It has allowed me to focus on art and not the everyday shop bustle that can sometimes get in the way.
How would you describe your style?
My style is primarily Black and Grey. I like to focus on flow and use my style to create a unique piece for each client. Whenever someone has asked me this question I'm never certain how I should answer. I've tried to form my art in different ways: color, black and grey, line work, and different ways to shade. I'm finding that now my artwork is being shaped to focus on black and grey so that is where I have been studying recently.
What is your specialty?
The BIGGER the BETTER. I typically do large pieces. My focus is primarily around black and grey and is not limited to: lighthouses, gypsies, nautical themes, nature scenes, skulls, animals, floral, mandalas, geometric. I love a challenge or to do something different.
Do you have a favorite place to tattoo?
I love tattooing legs and arms. The reason behind this is because it is a large piece of canvas that has a lot of flow to it. It's fun to make the piece unique to the individual and fit the canvas of their body. I do enjoy mostly every part of the body. I have less favorite places to work on, such as the rib and stomach area.
What type of experience can clientele expect from you?
Clients can expect a clean and healthy environment. They can also expect to receive commitment and dedication to their art piece. I operate a private, appointment only, studio to provide an intimate experience without all of the typical extra surrounding distractions of a standard tattoo shop. Clients get my undivided attention. It is my goal to have the experience be enjoyable for both my client and myself. My clients are highly valued and I am grateful for them. I would not be here with out them and express my gratitude through each tattoo. I create an individualized exclusive tattoo each time. It is important that mainstream media does not influence my work. At times, it is difficult as many clients want a certain trending image or idea. It is imperative to provide not only unique individualized work but also to offer the best advice and information possible.
What inspires your skill?
There are many inspirational artists that I look up to and follow. I look at different artists for different skills whether it's for something specific, realistic, or a different technique. I have learned from several other artists that I have worked in the industry. I follow artists on social media, observe artists in person, and attend both private and group seminars to continue to learn and develop as an artist.
In addition to learning directly from other artists... nature, life experiences, traveling, and everything that Wanderlust means to me helps me continue to have ambition to provide creative pieces for my clients.
I have a strong desire to be the best artist that I possibly can be. I am constantly trying to learn and better myself. It is important to continue to grow. In order to do that, it is necessary to surround myself with like minded people. The statement... you are who you surround yourself with... is true. This is true in both negative and positive environments. As long as I am around motivated, positive people, I will always want to learn more.
What is it with you and lighthouses?
I am a driven person. To me lighthouses started off being spiritual. Once I learned the reasons behind a lighthouse (coastguard and nautical reasons), I became more drawn to them. The history behind lighthouses and the importance of them, not just for a safe passage but also for a warning. It moved me. The more I learned, the more intrigued I became. It started a symbolism of positive and strength for me. The building standing there in itself is powerful. When you add the sea, the storm, and the ship... it becomes a huge statement and that's why I love it.
What direction are you heading?
EVERYWHERE!! I love to travel. So hit me up and I will come to your state and book something private and we can create!
How do I book an appointment?
All initial contact and appointments is completed via Tattoo form page .
Please contact me using this site.
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